A mouth watering dessert, for any ocasions! Don’t need to bake, easy and so tasty. Chocolate and coconut is the perfect combination.
Ingredients for base:
- 500 g digestive biscuit,
- 250 g butter,
- 70 g cocoa powder,
- 100 g powdered sugar,
- 100 ml milk.
Ingredients for cream:
- 500 ml whipped cream,
- 200 g coconut flakes,
- 100 g powdered sugar.
Grind the biscuit and mix with melted butter. Add the cocoa powder, milk and powdered sugar, mix it. Place in the fridge for 30 minutes. Make the cream: mix the whipped cream with a mixer, add the coconut flakes and powdered sugar. Divide the cream into three part.
Divide the biscuit base into three part and stretch it. Put the first biscuit base in a serving plate and layer with cream, put another biscuit layer and cream again. Put another biscuit layer, and layer with cream. Regrigerate 2 hours. Before serving slice the cake and pour it a little melted chocolate in every slices.